
Astrology Reading Subscriptions

Let's Explore Your Cosmic Wisdom!
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Welcome to the evolution of perception! Please select from the options below to begin your journey! After this form, there will be a second form for payment & verification of information. Get ready... it's time to finally access all that you are!

Current Astrological Weather

Align your birth chart with the current stars in the sky to get your very own clock of your universe. You’ll receive your very own energy weather reports showing your highs and lows you need to know for love, money, emotions, vitality, health, travel, and so much more!

Single - An overview of your current astrological weather.

Monthly - Highlighting key dates to always plan accordingly.

*Recommended* Weekly - Our best offer with full cosmic awareness DAILY & always in the know!

Birth Chart Reading

The Full Map of Your Birth Showing Your Full Life Analysis

What if you have a book about yourself? A blueprint and clock of how you tick? What you’re here for? Why your life is the way it is? Get ready to finally meet your true self...

A Single Session will give you an in-depth overview or -

Book Monthly or Weekly Sessions to dive deep into each and every section of your life's story, connect sooo many dots of understanding along your journey, and unlock your full potential!

Legacy Reading: Life Purpose & Direction

Here we look at the specific areas of your chart that show us your talents, passion, happiness, karma, & your highest potential to keep you on track and living your best life.

In astrology, there are 3 levels of our success & abundance. First, what do we have to work with for the long term, next, how we bring it to market and show up in our service, then, aligning with our CEO boss energy, looking at our legacy and getting clear on what all the work is for. We also take a look at your area of of sure gains vs speculations, as well as your karmic path in this lifetime. Get ready, we are about to put you on your road to abundance!

A Single Session will give you an in-depth overview or -

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Monthly - Highlighting key dates to always know what the universe is teaching you, or,

*Recommended* Weekly - Our best offer with full cosmic awareness DAILY to stay on your highest path!

Solar Return Birthday Reading

Birthday Year Ahead Forecast

When the sun returns to the same spot as when you were born, it creates it’s very own horoscope showing you the quest the universe presents you this year ahead, what lessons you will learn, and what actions are favorable with the energies at play to avoid the pitfalls and embrace your blessings this year!

A Single Session will give you an in-depth overview or -

Book Monthly or Weekly Sessions to dive deep into each and every section of your life's story this year, connect sooo many dots of understanding along your journey this year, and unlock every lesson available to level you up & keep you evolving!

Saturn Return Reading

30 Year Period of Maturity The Occurs Between The Ages of 27-30, 55-60, & 81-90

Every 28 years, life changes radically. This reading serves as your guide during these 3 year upgrades in maturity & help you navigate these extreme patches of intensity the universe serves us to get to evolve us to our highest level. Get ready to level up!

A Single Session will give you an in-depth overview or -

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Monthly - Highlighting key dates to know when this will effect you most, or,

*Recommended* Weekly - Our best offer with full cosmic awareness DAILY to stay on your highest path in this ultimate phoenix process!

Specific Questions:

Let's get specific. Here we have a text box that will appear for you to tell me all about it & let's bring you your clarity!